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# A namespace for the `@media` query parse tree.
module Sass::Media
# A comma-separated list of queries.
# media_query [ ',' S* media_query ]*
class QueryList
# The queries contained in this list.
# @return [Array<Query>]
attr_accessor :queries
# @param queries [Array<Query>] See \{#queries}
def initialize(queries)
@queries = queries
# Merges this query list with another. The returned query list
# queries for the intersection between the two inputs.
# Both query lists should be resolved.
# @param other [QueryList]
# @return [QueryList?] The merged list, or nil if there is no intersection.
def merge(other)
new_queries = queries.map {|q1| other.queries.map {|q2| q1.merge(q2)}}.flatten.compact
return if new_queries.empty?
# Returns the CSS for the media query list.
# @return [String]
def to_css
queries.map {|q| q.to_css}.join(', ')
# Returns the Sass/SCSS code for the media query list.
# @param options [{Symbol => Object}] An options hash (see {Sass::CSS#initialize}).
# @return [String]
def to_src(options)
queries.map {|q| q.to_src(options)}.join(', ')
# Returns a representation of the query as an array of strings and
# potentially {Sass::Script::Tree::Node}s (if there's interpolation in it).
# When the interpolation is resolved and the strings are joined together,
# this will be the string representation of this query.
# @return [Array<String, Sass::Script::Tree::Node>]
def to_a
Sass::Util.intersperse(queries.map {|q| q.to_a}, ', ').flatten
# Returns a deep copy of this query list and all its children.
# @return [QueryList]
def deep_copy
QueryList.new(queries.map {|q| q.deep_copy})
# A single media query.
# [ [ONLY | NOT]? S* media_type S* | expression ] [ AND S* expression ]*
class Query
# The modifier for the query.
# When parsed as Sass code, this contains strings and SassScript nodes. When
# parsed as CSS, it contains a single string (accessible via
# \{#resolved_modifier}).
# @return [Array<String, Sass::Script::Tree::Node>]
attr_accessor :modifier
# The type of the query (e.g. `"screen"` or `"print"`).
# When parsed as Sass code, this contains strings and SassScript nodes. When
# parsed as CSS, it contains a single string (accessible via
# \{#resolved_type}).
# @return [Array<String, Sass::Script::Tree::Node>]
attr_accessor :type
# The trailing expressions in the query.
# When parsed as Sass code, each expression contains strings and SassScript
# nodes. When parsed as CSS, each one contains a single string.
# @return [Array<Array<String, Sass::Script::Tree::Node>>]
attr_accessor :expressions
# @param modifier [Array<String, Sass::Script::Tree::Node>] See \{#modifier}
# @param type [Array<String, Sass::Script::Tree::Node>] See \{#type}
# @param expressions [Array<Array<String, Sass::Script::Tree::Node>>] See \{#expressions}
def initialize(modifier, type, expressions)
@modifier = modifier
@type = type
@expressions = expressions
# See \{#modifier}.
# @return [String]
def resolved_modifier
# modifier should contain only a single string
modifier.first || ''
# See \{#type}.
# @return [String]
def resolved_type
# type should contain only a single string
type.first || ''
# Merges this query with another. The returned query queries for
# the intersection between the two inputs.
# Both queries should be resolved.
# @param other [Query]
# @return [Query?] The merged query, or nil if there is no intersection.
def merge(other)
m1, t1 = resolved_modifier.downcase, resolved_type.downcase
m2, t2 = other.resolved_modifier.downcase, other.resolved_type.downcase
t1 = t2 if t1.empty?
t2 = t1 if t2.empty?
if (m1 == 'not') ^ (m2 == 'not')
return if t1 == t2
type = m1 == 'not' ? t2 : t1
mod = m1 == 'not' ? m2 : m1
elsif m1 == 'not' && m2 == 'not'
# CSS has no way of representing "neither screen nor print"
return unless t1 == t2
type = t1
mod = 'not'
elsif t1 != t2
else # t1 == t2, neither m1 nor m2 are "not"
type = t1
mod = m1.empty? ? m2 : m1
Query.new([mod], [type], other.expressions + expressions)
# Returns the CSS for the media query.
# @return [String]
def to_css
css = ''
css << resolved_modifier
css << ' ' unless resolved_modifier.empty?
css << resolved_type
css << ' and ' unless resolved_type.empty? || expressions.empty?
css << expressions.map do |e|
# It's possible for there to be script nodes in Expressions even when
# we're converting to CSS in the case where we parsed the document as
# CSS originally (as in css_test.rb).
e.map {|c| c.is_a?(Sass::Script::Tree::Node) ? c.to_sass : c.to_s}.join
end.join(' and ')
# Returns the Sass/SCSS code for the media query.
# @param options [{Symbol => Object}] An options hash (see {Sass::CSS#initialize}).
# @return [String]
def to_src(options)
src = ''
src << Sass::Media._interp_to_src(modifier, options)
src << ' ' unless modifier.empty?
src << Sass::Media._interp_to_src(type, options)
src << ' and ' unless type.empty? || expressions.empty?
src << expressions.map do |e|
Sass::Media._interp_to_src(e, options)
end.join(' and ')
# @see \{MediaQuery#to\_a}
def to_a
res = []
res += modifier
res << ' ' unless modifier.empty?
res += type
res << ' and ' unless type.empty? || expressions.empty?
res += Sass::Util.intersperse(expressions, ' and ').flatten
# Returns a deep copy of this query and all its children.
# @return [Query]
def deep_copy
modifier.map {|c| c.is_a?(Sass::Script::Tree::Node) ? c.deep_copy : c},
type.map {|c| c.is_a?(Sass::Script::Tree::Node) ? c.deep_copy : c},
expressions.map {|e| e.map {|c| c.is_a?(Sass::Script::Tree::Node) ? c.deep_copy : c}})
# Converts an interpolation array to source.
# @param interp [Array<String, Sass::Script::Tree::Node>] The interpolation array to convert.
# @param options [{Symbol => Object}] An options hash (see {Sass::CSS#initialize}).
# @return [String]
def self._interp_to_src(interp, options)
interp.map {|r| r.is_a?(String) ? r : r.to_sass(options)}.join