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2019-03-12 13:49:49 +01:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2009-2016 Thomas Leitner <>
# This file is part of kramdown which is licensed under the MIT.
module Kramdown
# Represents all elements in the element tree.
# kramdown only uses this one class for representing all available elements in an element tree
# (paragraphs, headers, emphasis, ...). The type of element can be set via the #type accessor.
# Following is a description of all supported element types.
# Note that the option :location may contain the start line number of an element in the source
# document.
# == Structural Elements
# === :root
# [Category] None
# [Usage context] As the root element of a document
# [Content model] Block-level elements
# Represents the root of a kramdown document.
# The root element contains the following option keys:
# :encoding:: When running on Ruby 1.9 this key has to be set to the encoding used for the text
# parts of the kramdown document.
# :abbrev_defs:: This key may be used to store the mapping of abbreviation to abbreviation
# definition.
# :abbrev_attr:: This key may be used to store the mapping of abbreviation to abbreviation
# attributes.
# :options:: This key may be used to store options that were set during parsing of the document.
# === :blank
# [Category] Block-level element
# [Usage context] Where block-level elements are expected
# [Content model] Empty
# Represents one or more blank lines. It is not allowed to have two or more consecutive blank
# elements.
# The +value+ field may contain the original content of the blank lines.
# === :p
# [Category] Block-level element
# [Usage context] Where block-level elements are expected
# [Content model] Span-level elements
# Represents a paragraph.
# If the option :transparent is +true+, this element just represents a block of text. I.e. this
# element just functions as a container for span-level elements.
# === :header
# [Category] Block-level element
# [Usage context] Where block-level elements are expected
# [Content model] Span-level elements
# Represents a header.
# The option :level specifies the header level and has to contain a number between 1 and \6. The
# option :raw_text has to contain the raw header text.
# === :blockquote
# [Category] Block-level element
# [Usage context] Where block-level elements are expected
# [Content model] Block-level elements
# Represents a blockquote.
# === :codeblock
# [Category] Block-level element
# [Usage context] Where block-level elements are expected
# [Content model] Empty
# Represents a code block, i.e. a block of text that should be used as-is.
# The +value+ field has to contain the content of the code block.
# The option :lang specifies a highlighting language with possible HTML style options (e.g.
# php?start_inline=1) and should be used instead of a possibly also available language embedded in
# a class name of the form 'language-LANG'.
# === :ul
# [Category] Block-level element
# [Usage context] Where block-level elements are expected
# [Content model] One or more :li elements
# Represents an unordered list.
# === :ol
# [Category] Block-level element
# [Usage context] Where block-level elements are expected
# [Content model] One or more :li elements
# Represents an ordered list.
# === :li
# [Category] Block-level element
# [Usage context] Inside :ol and :ul elements
# [Content model] Block-level elements
# Represents a list item of an ordered or unordered list.
# Note that the first child of a list item must not be a :blank element!
# === :dl
# [Category] Block-level element
# [Usage context] Where block-level elements are expected
# [Content model] One or more groups each consisting of one or more :dt elements followed by one
# or more :dd elements.
# Represents a definition list which contains groups consisting of terms and definitions for them.
# === :dt
# [Category] Block-level element
# [Usage context] Before :dt or :dd elements inside a :dl elment
# [Content model] Span-level elements
# Represents the term part of a term-definition group in a definition list.
# === :dd
# [Category] Block-level element
# [Usage context] After :dt or :dd elements inside a :dl elment
# [Content model] Block-level elements
# Represents the definition part of a term-definition group in a definition list.
# === :hr
# [Category] Block-level element
# [Usage context] Where block-level elements are expected
# [Content model] None
# Represents a horizontal line.
# === :table
# [Category] Block-level element
# [Usage context] Where block-level elements are expected
# [Content model] Zero or one :thead elements, one or more :tbody elements, zero or one :tfoot
# elements
# Represents a table. Each table row (i.e. :tr element) of the table has to contain the same
# number of :td elements.
# The option :alignment has to be an array containing the alignment values, exactly one for each
# column of the table. The possible alignment values are :left, :center, :right and :default.
# === :thead
# [Category] None
# [Usage context] As first element inside a :table element
# [Content model] One or more :tr elements
# Represents the table header.
# === :tbody
# [Category] None
# [Usage context] After a :thead element but before a :tfoot element inside a :table element
# [Content model] One or more :tr elements
# Represents a table body.
# === :tfoot
# [Category] None
# [Usage context] As last element inside a :table element
# [Content model] One or more :tr elements
# Represents the table footer.
# === :tr
# [Category] None
# [Usage context] Inside :thead, :tbody and :tfoot elements
# [Content model] One or more :td elements
# Represents a table row.
# === :td
# [Category] Block-level element
# [Usage context] Inside :tr elements
# [Content model] As child of :thead/:tr span-level elements, as child of :tbody/:tr and
# :tfoot/:tr block-level elements
# Represents a table cell.
# === :math
# [Category] Block/span-level element
# [Usage context] Where block/span-level elements are expected
# [Content model] None
# Represents mathematical text that is written in LaTeX.
# The +value+ field has to contain the actual mathematical text.
# The option :category has to be set to either :span or :block depending on the context where the
# element is used.
# == Text Markup Elements
# === :text
# [Category] Span-level element
# [Usage context] Where span-level elements are expected
# [Content model] None
# Represents text.
# The +value+ field has to contain the text itself.
# === :br
# [Category] Span-level element
# [Usage context] Where span-level elements are expected
# [Content model] None
# Represents a hard line break.
# === :a
# [Category] Span-level element
# [Usage context] Where span-level elements are expected
# [Content model] Span-level elements
# Represents a link to an URL.
# The attribute +href+ has to be set to the URL to which the link points. The attribute +title+
# optionally contains the title of the link.
# === :img
# [Category] Span-level element
# [Usage context] Where span-level elements are expected
# [Content model] None
# Represents an image.
# The attribute +src+ has to be set to the URL of the image. The attribute +alt+ has to contain a
# text description of the image. The attribute +title+ optionally contains the title of the image.
# === :codespan
# [Category] Span-level element
# [Usage context] Where span-level elements are expected
# [Content model] None
# Represents verbatim text.
# The +value+ field has to contain the content of the code span.
# === :footnote
# [Category] Span-level element
# [Usage context] Where span-level elements are expected
# [Content model] None
# Represents a footnote marker.
# The +value+ field has to contain an element whose children are the content of the footnote. The
# option :name has to contain a valid and unique footnote name. A valid footnote name consists of
# a word character or a digit and then optionally followed by other word characters, digits or
# dashes.
# === :em
# [Category] Span-level element
# [Usage context] Where span-level elements are expected
# [Content model] Span-level elements
# Represents emphasis of its contents.
# === :strong
# [Category] Span-level element
# [Usage context] Where span-level elements are expected
# [Content model] Span-level elements
# Represents strong importance for its contents.
# === :entity
# [Category] Span-level element
# [Usage context] Where span-level elements are expected
# [Content model] None
# Represents an HTML entity.
# The +value+ field has to contain an instance of Kramdown::Utils::Entities::Entity. The option
# :original can be used to store the original representation of the entity.
# === :typographic_sym
# [Category] Span-level element
# [Usage context] Where span-level elements are expected
# [Content model] None
# Represents a typographic symbol.
# The +value+ field needs to contain a Symbol representing the specific typographic symbol from
# the following list:
# :mdash:: An mdash character (---)
# :ndash:: An ndash character (--)
# :hellip:: An ellipsis (...)
# :laquo:: A left guillemet (<<)
# :raquo:: A right guillemet (>>)
# :laquo_space:: A left guillemet with a space (<< )
# :raquo_space:: A right guillemet with a space ( >>)
# === :smart_quote
# [Category] Span-level element
# [Usage context] Where span-level elements are expected
# [Content model] None
# Represents a quotation character.
# The +value+ field needs to contain a Symbol representing the specific quotation character:
# :lsquo:: Left single quote
# :rsquo:: Right single quote
# :ldquo:: Left double quote
# :rdquo:: Right double quote
# === :abbreviation
# [Category] Span-level element
# [Usage context] Where span-level elements are expected
# [Content model] None
# Represents a text part that is an abbreviation.
# The +value+ field has to contain the text part that is the abbreviation. The definition of the
# abbreviation is stored in the :root element of the document.
# == Other Elements
# === :html_element
# [Category] Block/span-level element
# [Usage context] Where block/span-level elements or raw HTML elements are expected
# [Content model] Depends on the element
# Represents an HTML element.
# The +value+ field has to contain the name of the HTML element the element is representing.
# The option :category has to be set to either :span or :block depending on the whether the
# element is a block-level or a span-level element. The option :content_model has to be set to the
# content model for the element (either :block if it contains block-level elements, :span if it
# contains span-level elements or :raw if it contains raw content).
# === :xml_comment
# [Category] Block/span-level element
# [Usage context] Where block/span-level elements are expected or in raw HTML elements
# [Content model] None
# Represents an XML/HTML comment.
# The +value+ field has to contain the whole XML/HTML comment including the delimiters.
# The option :category has to be set to either :span or :block depending on the context where the
# element is used.
# === :xml_pi
# [Category] Block/span-level element
# [Usage context] Where block/span-level elements are expected or in raw HTML elements
# [Content model] None
# Represents an XML/HTML processing instruction.
# The +value+ field has to contain the whole XML/HTML processing instruction including the
# delimiters.
# The option :category has to be set to either :span or :block depending on the context where the
# element is used.
# === :comment
# [Category] Block/span-level element
# [Usage context] Where block/span-level elements are expected
# [Content model] None
# Represents a comment.
# The +value+ field has to contain the comment.
# The option :category has to be set to either :span or :block depending on the context where the
# element is used. If it is set to :span, then no blank lines are allowed in the comment.
# === :raw
# [Category] Block/span-level element
# [Usage context] Where block/span-level elements are expected
# [Content model] None
# Represents a raw string that should not be modified. For example, the element could contain some
# HTML code that should be output as-is without modification and escaping.
# The +value+ field has to contain the actual raw text.
# The option :category has to be set to either :span or :block depending on the context where the
# element is used. If it is set to :span, then no blank lines are allowed in the raw text.
# The option :type can be set to an array of strings to define for which converters the raw string
# is valid.
class Element
# A symbol representing the element type. For example, :p or :blockquote.
attr_accessor :type
# The value of the element. The interpretation of this field depends on the type of the element.
# Many elements don't use this field.
attr_accessor :value
# The child elements of this element.
attr_accessor :children
# Create a new Element object of type +type+. The optional parameters +value+, +attr+ and
# +options+ can also be set in this constructor for convenience.
def initialize(type, value = nil, attr = nil, options = nil)
@type, @value, @attr, @options = type, value, (!(attr) if attr), options
@children = []
# The attributes of the element. Uses an Utils::OrderedHash to retain the insertion order.
def attr
@attr ||=
# The options hash for the element. It is used for storing arbitray options.
def options
@options ||= {}
def inspect #:nodoc:
"<kd:#{@type}#{@value.nil? ? '' : ' ' + @value.inspect} #{@attr.inspect}#{options.empty? ? '' : ' ' + @options.inspect}#{@children.empty? ? '' : ' ' + @children.inspect}>"
CATEGORY = {} # :nodoc:
[:blank, :p, :header, :blockquote, :codeblock, :ul, :ol, :li, :dl, :dt, :dd, :table, :td, :hr].each {|b| CATEGORY[b] = :block}
[:text, :a, :br, :img, :codespan, :footnote, :em, :strong, :entity, :typographic_sym,
:smart_quote, :abbreviation].each {|b| CATEGORY[b] = :span}
# Return the category of +el+ which can be :block, :span or +nil+.
# Most elements have a fixed category, however, some elements can either appear in a block-level
# or a span-level context. These elements need to have the option :category correctly set.
def self.category(el)
CATEGORY[el.type] || el.options[:category]