# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # frozen_string_literal: true module Rouge class Token class << self attr_reader :name attr_reader :parent attr_reader :shortname def cache @cache ||= {} end def sub_tokens @sub_tokens ||= {} end def [](qualname) return qualname unless qualname.is_a? ::String Token.cache[qualname] end def inspect "" end def matches?(other) other.token_chain.include? self end def token_chain @token_chain ||= ancestors.take_while { |x| x != Token }.reverse end def qualname @qualname ||= token_chain.map(&:name).join('.') end def register! Token.cache[self.qualname] = self parent.sub_tokens[self.name] = self end def make_token(name, shortname, &b) parent = self Class.new(parent) do @parent = parent @name = name @shortname = shortname register! class_eval(&b) if b end end def token(name, shortname, &b) tok = make_token(name, shortname, &b) const_set(name, tok) end def each_token(&b) Token.cache.each do |(_, t)| b.call(t) end end end module Tokens def self.token(name, shortname, &b) tok = Token.make_token(name, shortname, &b) const_set(name, tok) end # XXX IMPORTANT XXX # For compatibility, this list must be kept in sync with # pygments.token.STANDARD_TYPES # please see https://github.com/jneen/rouge/wiki/List-of-tokens token :Text, '' do token :Whitespace, 'w' end token :Error, 'err' token :Other, 'x' token :Keyword, 'k' do token :Constant, 'kc' token :Declaration, 'kd' token :Namespace, 'kn' token :Pseudo, 'kp' token :Reserved, 'kr' token :Type, 'kt' token :Variable, 'kv' end token :Name, 'n' do token :Attribute, 'na' token :Builtin, 'nb' do token :Pseudo, 'bp' end token :Class, 'nc' token :Constant, 'no' token :Decorator, 'nd' token :Entity, 'ni' token :Exception, 'ne' token :Function, 'nf' token :Property, 'py' token :Label, 'nl' token :Namespace, 'nn' token :Other, 'nx' token :Tag, 'nt' token :Variable, 'nv' do token :Class, 'vc' token :Global, 'vg' token :Instance, 'vi' end end token :Literal, 'l' do token :Date, 'ld' token :String, 's' do token :Backtick, 'sb' token :Char, 'sc' token :Doc, 'sd' token :Double, 's2' token :Escape, 'se' token :Heredoc, 'sh' token :Interpol, 'si' token :Other, 'sx' token :Regex, 'sr' token :Single, 's1' token :Symbol, 'ss' end token :Number, 'm' do token :Float, 'mf' token :Hex, 'mh' token :Integer, 'mi' do token :Long, 'il' end token :Oct, 'mo' token :Bin, 'mb' token :Other, 'mx' end end token :Operator, 'o' do token :Word, 'ow' end token :Punctuation, 'p' do token :Indicator, 'pi' end token :Comment, 'c' do token :Doc, 'cd' token :Multiline, 'cm' token :Preproc, 'cp' token :Single, 'c1' token :Special, 'cs' end token :Generic, 'g' do token :Deleted, 'gd' token :Emph, 'ge' token :Error, 'gr' token :Heading, 'gh' token :Inserted, 'gi' token :Output, 'go' token :Prompt, 'gp' token :Strong, 'gs' token :Subheading, 'gu' token :Traceback, 'gt' token :Lineno, 'gl' end # convenience Num = Literal::Number Str = Literal::String end end end