# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # #-- # Copyright (C) 2009-2016 Thomas Leitner # # This file is part of kramdown which is licensed under the MIT. #++ # require 'kramdown/converter' require 'kramdown/utils' module Kramdown module Converter # Converts an element tree to the kramdown format. class Kramdown < Base # :stopdoc: include ::Kramdown::Utils::Html def initialize(root, options) super @linkrefs = [] @footnotes = [] @abbrevs = [] @stack = [] end def convert(el, opts = {:indent => 0}) res = send("convert_#{el.type}", el, opts) if ![:html_element, :li, :dt, :dd, :td].include?(el.type) && (ial = ial_for_element(el)) res << ial res << "\n\n" if Element.category(el) == :block elsif [:ul, :dl, :ol, :codeblock].include?(el.type) && opts[:next] && ([el.type, :codeblock].include?(opts[:next].type) || (opts[:next].type == :blank && opts[:nnext] && [el.type, :codeblock].include?(opts[:nnext].type))) res << "^\n\n" elsif Element.category(el) == :block && ![:li, :dd, :dt, :td, :th, :tr, :thead, :tbody, :tfoot, :blank].include?(el.type) && (el.type != :html_element || @stack.last.type != :html_element) && (el.type != :p || !el.options[:transparent]) res << "\n" end res end def inner(el, opts = {:indent => 0}) @stack.push(el) result = '' el.children.each_with_index do |inner_el, index| options = opts.dup options[:index] = index options[:prev] = (index == 0 ? nil : el.children[index-1]) options[:pprev] = (index <= 1 ? nil : el.children[index-2]) options[:next] = (index == el.children.length - 1 ? nil : el.children[index+1]) options[:nnext] = (index >= el.children.length - 2 ? nil : el.children[index+2]) result << convert(inner_el, options) end @stack.pop result end def convert_blank(el, opts) "" end ESCAPED_CHAR_RE = /(\$\$|[\\*_`\[\]\{"'|])|^[ ]{0,3}(:)/ def convert_text(el, opts) if opts[:raw_text] el.value else el.value.gsub(/\A\n/) do opts[:prev] && opts[:prev].type == :br ? '' : "\n" end.gsub(/\s+/, ' ').gsub(ESCAPED_CHAR_RE) { "\\#{$1 || $2}" } end end def convert_p(el, opts) w = @options[:line_width] - opts[:indent].to_s.to_i first, second, *rest = inner(el, opts).strip.gsub(/(.{1,#{w}})( +|$\n?)/, "\\1\n").split(/\n/) first.gsub!(/^(?:(#|>)|(\d+)\.|([+-]\s))/) { $1 || $3 ? "\\#{$1 || $3}" : "#{$2}\\."} if first second.gsub!(/^([=-]+\s*?)$/, "\\\1") if second res = [first, second, *rest].compact.join("\n") + "\n" if el.children.length == 1 && el.children.first.type == :math res = "\\#{res}" elsif res.start_with?('\$$') && res.end_with?("\\$$\n") res.sub!(/^\\\$\$/, '\$\$') end res end def convert_codeblock(el, opts) el.value.split(/\n/).map {|l| l.empty? ? " " : " #{l}"}.join("\n") + "\n" end def convert_blockquote(el, opts) opts[:indent] += 2 inner(el, opts).chomp.split(/\n/).map {|l| "> #{l}"}.join("\n") << "\n" end def convert_header(el, opts) res = '' res << "#{'#' * output_header_level(el.options[:level])} #{inner(el, opts)}" res[-1, 1] = "\\#" if res[-1] == ?# res << " {##{el.attr['id']}}" if el.attr['id'] && !el.attr['id'].strip.empty? res << "\n" end def convert_hr(el, opts) "* * *\n" end def convert_ul(el, opts) inner(el, opts).sub(/\n+\Z/, "\n") end alias :convert_ol :convert_ul alias :convert_dl :convert_ul def convert_li(el, opts) sym, width = if @stack.last.type == :ul ['* ', el.children.first && el.children.first.type == :codeblock ? 4 : 2] else ["#{opts[:index] + 1}.".ljust(4), 4] end if ial = ial_for_element(el) sym << ial << " " end opts[:indent] += width text = inner(el, opts) newlines = text.scan(/\n*\Z/).first first, *last = text.split(/\n/) last = last.map {|l| " "*width + l}.join("\n") text = (first.nil? ? "\n" : first + (last.empty? ? "" : "\n") + last + newlines) if el.children.first && el.children.first.type == :p && !el.children.first.options[:transparent] res = "#{sym}#{text}" res << "^\n" if el.children.size == 1 && @stack.last.children.last == el && (@stack.last.children.any? {|c| c.children.first.type != :p} || @stack.last.children.size == 1) res elsif el.children.first && el.children.first.type == :codeblock "#{sym}\n #{text}" else "#{sym}#{text}" end end def convert_dd(el, opts) sym, width = ": ", (el.children.first && el.children.first.type == :codeblock ? 4 : 2) if ial = ial_for_element(el) sym << ial << " " end opts[:indent] += width text = inner(el, opts) newlines = text.scan(/\n*\Z/).first first, *last = text.split(/\n/) last = last.map {|l| " "*width + l}.join("\n") text = first.to_s + (last.empty? ? "" : "\n") + last + newlines text.chomp! if text =~ /\n\n\Z/ && opts[:next] && opts[:next].type == :dd text << "\n" if (text !~ /\n\n\Z/ && opts[:next] && opts[:next].type == :dt) text << "\n" if el.children.empty? if el.children.first && el.children.first.type == :p && !el.children.first.options[:transparent] "\n#{sym}#{text}" elsif el.children.first && el.children.first.type == :codeblock "#{sym}\n #{text}" else "#{sym}#{text}" end end def convert_dt(el, opts) result = '' if ial = ial_for_element(el) result << ial << " " end result << inner(el, opts) << "\n" end HTML_TAGS_WITH_BODY=['div', 'script', 'iframe', 'textarea'] def convert_html_element(el, opts) markdown_attr = el.options[:category] == :block && el.children.any? do |c| c.type != :html_element && (c.type != :p || !c.options[:transparent]) && Element.category(c) == :block end opts[:force_raw_text] = true if %w{script pre code}.include?(el.value) opts[:raw_text] = opts[:force_raw_text] || opts[:block_raw_text] || (el.options[:category] != :span && !markdown_attr) opts[:block_raw_text] = true if el.options[:category] == :block && opts[:raw_text] res = inner(el, opts) if el.options[:category] == :span "<#{el.value}#{html_attributes(el.attr)}" << (!res.empty? || HTML_TAGS_WITH_BODY.include?(el.value) ? ">#{res}" : " />") else output = '' attr = el.attr.dup attr['markdown'] = '1' if markdown_attr output << "<#{el.value}#{html_attributes(attr)}" if !res.empty? && el.options[:content_model] != :block output << ">#{res}" elsif !res.empty? output << ">\n#{res}" << "" elsif HTML_TAGS_WITH_BODY.include?(el.value) output << ">" else output << " />" end output << "\n" if @stack.last.type != :html_element || @stack.last.options[:content_model] != :raw output end end def convert_xml_comment(el, opts) if el.options[:category] == :block && (@stack.last.type != :html_element || @stack.last.options[:content_model] != :raw) el.value + "\n" else el.value.dup end end alias :convert_xml_pi :convert_xml_comment def convert_table(el, opts) opts[:alignment] = el.options[:alignment] inner(el, opts) end def convert_thead(el, opts) rows = inner(el, opts) if opts[:alignment].all? {|a| a == :default} "#{rows}|" << "-"*10 << "\n" else "#{rows}| " << opts[:alignment].map do |a| case a when :left then ":-" when :right then "-:" when :center then ":-:" when :default then "-" end end.join(' ') << "\n" end end def convert_tbody(el, opts) res = '' res << inner(el, opts) res << '|' << '-'*10 << "\n" if opts[:next] && opts[:next].type == :tbody res end def convert_tfoot(el, opts) "|" << "="*10 << "\n#{inner(el, opts)}" end def convert_tr(el, opts) "| " << el.children.map {|c| convert(c, opts)}.join(" | ") << " |\n" end def convert_td(el, opts) inner(el, opts) end def convert_comment(el, opts) if el.options[:category] == :block "{::comment}\n#{el.value}\n{:/}\n" else "{::comment}#{el.value}{:/}" end end def convert_br(el, opts) " \n" end def convert_a(el, opts) if el.attr['href'].empty? "[#{inner(el, opts)}]()" elsif el.attr['href'] =~ /^(?:http|ftp)/ || el.attr['href'].count("()") > 0 index = if link_el = @linkrefs.find {|c| c.attr['href'] == el.attr['href']} @linkrefs.index(link_el) + 1 else @linkrefs << el @linkrefs.size end "[#{inner(el, opts)}][#{index}]" else title = parse_title(el.attr['title']) "[#{inner(el, opts)}](#{el.attr['href']}#{title})" end end def convert_img(el, opts) alt_text = el.attr['alt'].to_s.gsub(ESCAPED_CHAR_RE) { $1 ? "\\#{$1}" : $2 } src = el.attr['src'].to_s if src.empty? "![#{alt_text}]()" else title = parse_title(el.attr['title']) link = if src.count("()") > 0 "<#{src}>" else src end "![#{alt_text}](#{link}#{title})" end end def convert_codespan(el, opts) delim = (el.value.scan(/`+/).max || '') + '`' "#{delim}#{' ' if delim.size > 1}#{el.value}#{' ' if delim.size > 1}#{delim}" end def convert_footnote(el, opts) @footnotes << [el.options[:name], el.value] "[^#{el.options[:name]}]" end def convert_raw(el, opts) attr = (el.options[:type] || []).join(' ') attr = " type=\"#{attr}\"" if attr.length > 0 if @stack.last.type == :html_element el.value elsif el.options[:category] == :block "{::nomarkdown#{attr}}\n#{el.value}\n{:/}\n" else "{::nomarkdown#{attr}}#{el.value}{:/}" end end def convert_em(el, opts) "*#{inner(el, opts)}*" + (opts[:next] && [:em, :strong].include?(opts[:next].type) && !ial_for_element(el) ? '{::}' : '') end def convert_strong(el, opts) "**#{inner(el, opts)}**" + (opts[:next] && [:em, :strong].include?(opts[:next].type) && !ial_for_element(el) ? '{::}' : '') end def convert_entity(el, opts) entity_to_str(el.value, el.options[:original]) end TYPOGRAPHIC_SYMS = { :mdash => '---', :ndash => '--', :hellip => '...', :laquo_space => '<< ', :raquo_space => ' >>', :laquo => '<<', :raquo => '>>' } def convert_typographic_sym(el, opts) TYPOGRAPHIC_SYMS[el.value] end def convert_smart_quote(el, opts) el.value.to_s =~ /[rl]dquo/ ? "\"" : "'" end def convert_math(el, opts) "$$#{el.value}$$" + (el.options[:category] == :block ? "\n" : '') end def convert_abbreviation(el, opts) el.value end def convert_root(el, opts) res = inner(el, opts) res << create_link_defs res << create_footnote_defs res << create_abbrev_defs res end def create_link_defs res = '' res << "\n\n" if @linkrefs.size > 0 @linkrefs.each_with_index do |el, i| title = parse_title(el.attr['title']) res << "[#{i+1}]: #{el.attr['href']}#{title}\n" end res end def create_footnote_defs res = '' @footnotes.each do |name, data| res << "[^#{name}]:\n" res << inner(data).chomp.split(/\n/).map {|l| " #{l}"}.join("\n") + "\n\n" end res end def create_abbrev_defs return '' unless @root.options[:abbrev_defs] res = '' @root.options[:abbrev_defs].each do |name, text| res << "*[#{name}]: #{text}\n" res << ial_for_element(Element.new(:unused, nil, @root.options[:abbrev_attr][name])).to_s << "\n\n" end res end # Return the IAL containing the attributes of the element +el+. def ial_for_element(el) res = el.attr.map do |k,v| next if [:img, :a].include?(el.type) && ['href', 'src', 'alt', 'title'].include?(k) next if el.type == :header && k == 'id' && !v.strip.empty? if v.nil? '' elsif k == 'class' && !v.empty? && !v.index(/[\.#]/) " " + v.split(/\s+/).map {|w| ".#{w}"}.join(" ") elsif k == 'id' && !v.strip.empty? " ##{v}" else " #{k}=\"#{v.to_s}\"" end end.compact.join('') res = "toc" << (res.strip.empty? ? '' : " #{res}") if (el.type == :ul || el.type == :ol) && (el.options[:ial][:refs].include?('toc') rescue nil) res = "footnotes" << (res.strip.empty? ? '' : " #{res}") if (el.type == :ul || el.type == :ol) && (el.options[:ial][:refs].include?('footnotes') rescue nil) if el.type == :dl && el.options[:ial] && el.options[:ial][:refs] auto_ids = el.options[:ial][:refs].select {|ref| ref =~ /\Aauto_ids/}.join(" ") res = auto_ids << (res.strip.empty? ? '' : " #{res}") unless auto_ids.empty? end res.strip.empty? ? nil : "{:#{res}}" end def parse_title(attr) attr.to_s.empty? ? '' : ' "' + attr.gsub(/"/, '"') + '"' end # :startdoc: end end end