# frozen_string_literal: true

module Jekyll
  class LogAdapter
    attr_reader :writer, :messages, :level

    LOG_LEVELS = {
      :debug => ::Logger::DEBUG,
      :info  => ::Logger::INFO,
      :warn  => ::Logger::WARN,
      :error => ::Logger::ERROR,

    # Public: Create a new instance of a log writer
    # writer - Logger compatible instance
    # log_level - (optional, symbol) the log level
    # Returns nothing
    def initialize(writer, level = :info)
      @messages = []
      @writer = writer
      self.log_level = level

    # Public: Set the log level on the writer
    # level - (symbol) the log level
    # Returns nothing
    def log_level=(level)
      writer.level = LOG_LEVELS.fetch(level)
      @level = level

    def adjust_verbosity(options = {})
      # Quiet always wins.
      if options[:quiet]
        self.log_level = :error
      elsif options[:verbose]
        self.log_level = :debug
      debug "Logging at level:", LOG_LEVELS.key(writer.level).to_s

    # Public: Print a debug message
    # topic - the topic of the message, e.g. "Configuration file", "Deprecation", etc.
    # message - the message detail
    # Returns nothing
    def debug(topic, message = nil, &block)
      write(:debug, topic, message, &block)

    # Public: Print a message
    # topic - the topic of the message, e.g. "Configuration file", "Deprecation", etc.
    # message - the message detail
    # Returns nothing
    def info(topic, message = nil, &block)
      write(:info, topic, message, &block)

    # Public: Print a message
    # topic - the topic of the message, e.g. "Configuration file", "Deprecation", etc.
    # message - the message detail
    # Returns nothing
    def warn(topic, message = nil, &block)
      write(:warn, topic, message, &block)

    # Public: Print an error message
    # topic - the topic of the message, e.g. "Configuration file", "Deprecation", etc.
    # message - the message detail
    # Returns nothing
    def error(topic, message = nil, &block)
      write(:error, topic, message, &block)

    # Public: Print an error message and immediately abort the process
    # topic - the topic of the message, e.g. "Configuration file", "Deprecation", etc.
    # message - the message detail (can be omitted)
    # Returns nothing
    def abort_with(topic, message = nil, &block)
      error(topic, message, &block)

    # Internal: Build a topic method
    # topic - the topic of the message, e.g. "Configuration file", "Deprecation", etc.
    # message - the message detail
    # Returns the formatted message
    def message(topic, message = nil)
      raise ArgumentError, "block or message, not both" if block_given? && message

      message = yield if block_given?
      message = message.to_s.gsub(%r!\s+!, " ")
      topic = formatted_topic(topic, block_given?)
      out = topic + message
      messages << out

    # Internal: Format the topic
    # topic - the topic of the message, e.g. "Configuration file", "Deprecation", etc.
    # colon -
    # Returns the formatted topic statement
    def formatted_topic(topic, colon = false)
      "#{topic}#{colon ? ": " : " "}".rjust(20)

    # Internal: Check if the message should be written given the log level.
    # level_of_message - the Symbol level of message, one of :debug, :info, :warn, :error
    # Returns whether the message should be written.
    def write_message?(level_of_message)
      LOG_LEVELS.fetch(level) <= LOG_LEVELS.fetch(level_of_message)

    # Internal: Log a message.
    # level_of_message - the Symbol level of message, one of :debug, :info, :warn, :error
    # topic - the String topic or full message
    # message - the String message (optional)
    # block - a block containing the message (optional)
    # Returns false if the message was not written, otherwise returns the value of calling
    # the appropriate writer method, e.g. writer.info.
    def write(level_of_message, topic, message = nil, &block)
      return false unless write_message?(level_of_message)
      writer.public_send(level_of_message, message(topic, message, &block))