require 'concurrent/atomic/atomic_reference'
require 'concurrent/collection/copy_on_notify_observer_set'
require 'concurrent/concern/observable'
require 'concurrent/synchronization'

# @!macro thread_safe_variable_comparison
#   ## Thread-safe Variable Classes
#   Each of the thread-safe variable classes is designed to solve a different
#   problem. In general:
#   * *{Concurrent::Agent}:* Shared, mutable variable providing independent,
#     uncoordinated, *asynchronous* change of individual values. Best used when
#     the value will undergo frequent, complex updates. Suitable when the result
#     of an update does not need to be known immediately.
#   * *{Concurrent::Atom}:* Shared, mutable variable providing independent,
#     uncoordinated, *synchronous* change of individual values. Best used when
#     the value will undergo frequent reads but only occasional, though complex,
#     updates. Suitable when the result of an update must be known immediately.
#   * *{Concurrent::AtomicReference}:* A simple object reference that can be
#     atomically. Updates are synchronous but fast. Best used when updates a
#     simple set operations. Not suitable when updates are complex.
#     {Concurrent::AtomicBoolean} and {Concurrent::AtomicFixnum} are similar
#     but optimized for the given data type.
#   * *{Concurrent::Exchanger}:* Shared, stateless synchronization point. Used
#     when two or more threads need to exchange data. The threads will pair then
#     block on each other until the exchange is complete.
#   * *{Concurrent::MVar}:* Shared synchronization point. Used when one thread
#     must give a value to another, which must take the value. The threads will
#     block on each other until the exchange is complete.
#   * *{Concurrent::ThreadLocalVar}:* Shared, mutable, isolated variable which
#     holds a different value for each thread which has access. Often used as
#     an instance variable in objects which must maintain different state
#     for different threads.
#   * *{Concurrent::TVar}:* Shared, mutable variables which provide
#     *coordinated*, *synchronous*, change of *many* stated. Used when multiple
#     value must change together, in an all-or-nothing transaction.

module Concurrent

  # Atoms provide a way to manage shared, synchronous, independent state.
  # An atom is initialized with an initial value and an optional validation
  # proc. At any time the value of the atom can be synchronously and safely
  # changed. If a validator is given at construction then any new value
  # will be checked against the validator and will be rejected if the
  # validator returns false or raises an exception.
  # There are two ways to change the value of an atom: {#compare_and_set} and
  # {#swap}. The former will set the new value if and only if it validates and
  # the current value matches the new value. The latter will atomically set the
  # new value to the result of running the given block if and only if that
  # value validates.
  # ## Example
  # ```
  # def next_fibonacci(set = nil)
  #   return [0, 1] if set.nil?
  #   set + [set[-2..-1].reduce{|sum,x| sum + x }]
  # end
  # # create an atom with an initial value
  # atom =
  # # send a few update requests
  # 5.times do
  #   atom.swap{|set| next_fibonacci(set) }
  # end
  # # get the current value
  # atom.value #=> [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8]
  # ```
  # ## Observation
  # Atoms support observers through the {Concurrent::Observable} mixin module.
  # Notification of observers occurs every time the value of the Atom changes.
  # When notified the observer will receive three arguments: `time`, `old_value`,
  # and `new_value`. The `time` argument is the time at which the value change
  # occurred. The `old_value` is the value of the Atom when the change began
  # The `new_value` is the value to which the Atom was set when the change
  # completed. Note that `old_value` and `new_value` may be the same. This is
  # not an error. It simply means that the change operation returned the same
  # value.
  # Unlike in Clojure, `Atom` cannot participate in {Concurrent::TVar} transactions.
  # @!macro thread_safe_variable_comparison
  # @see Clojure Atoms
  # @see Values and Change - Clojure's approach to Identity and State
  class Atom < Synchronization::Object
    include Concern::Observable

    private :value=, :swap_value, :compare_and_set_value, :update_value
    public :value
    alias_method :deref, :value

    # @!method value
    #   The current value of the atom.
    #   @return [Object] The current value.

    # Create a new atom with the given initial value.
    # @param [Object] value The initial value
    # @param [Hash] opts The options used to configure the atom
    # @option opts [Proc] :validator (nil) Optional proc used to validate new
    #   values. It must accept one and only one argument which will be the
    #   intended new value. The validator will return true if the new value
    #   is acceptable else return false (preferrably) or raise an exception.
    # @!macro deref_options
    # @raise [ArgumentError] if the validator is not a `Proc` (when given)
    def initialize(value, opts = {})
      @Validator     = opts.fetch(:validator, -> v { true })
      self.observers =
      self.value     = value

    # Atomically swaps the value of atom using the given block. The current
    # value will be passed to the block, as will any arguments passed as
    # arguments to the function. The new value will be validated against the
    # (optional) validator proc given at construction. If validation fails the
    # value will not be changed.
    # Internally, {#swap} reads the current value, applies the block to it, and
    # attempts to compare-and-set it in. Since another thread may have changed
    # the value in the intervening time, it may have to retry, and does so in a
    # spin loop. The net effect is that the value will always be the result of
    # the application of the supplied block to a current value, atomically.
    # However, because the block might be called multiple times, it must be free
    # of side effects.
    # @note The given block may be called multiple times, and thus should be free
    #   of side effects.
    # @param [Object] args Zero or more arguments passed to the block.
    # @yield [value, args] Calculates a new value for the atom based on the
    #   current value and any supplied arguments.
    # @yieldparam value [Object] The current value of the atom.
    # @yieldparam args [Object] All arguments passed to the function, in order.
    # @yieldreturn [Object] The intended new value of the atom.
    # @return [Object] The final value of the atom after all operations and
    #   validations are complete.
    # @raise [ArgumentError] When no block is given.
    def swap(*args)
      raise'no block given') unless block_given?

      loop do
        old_value = value
        new_value = yield(old_value, *args)
          break old_value unless valid?(new_value)
          break new_value if compare_and_set(old_value, new_value)
          break old_value

    # Atomically sets the value of atom to the new value if and only if the
    # current value of the atom is identical to the old value and the new
    # value successfully validates against the (optional) validator given
    # at construction.
    # @param [Object] old_value The expected current value.
    # @param [Object] new_value The intended new value.
    # @return [Boolean] True if the value is changed else false.
    def compare_and_set(old_value, new_value)
      if valid?(new_value) && compare_and_set_value(old_value, new_value)
        observers.notify_observers(, old_value, new_value)

    # Atomically sets the value of atom to the new value without regard for the
    # current value so long as the new value successfully validates against the
    # (optional) validator given at construction.
    # @param [Object] new_value The intended new value.
    # @return [Object] The final value of the atom after all operations and
    #   validations are complete.
    def reset(new_value)
      old_value = value
      if valid?(new_value)
        self.value = new_value
        observers.notify_observers(, old_value, new_value)


    # Is the new value valid?
    # @param [Object] new_value The intended new value.
    # @return [Boolean] false if the validator function returns false or raises
    #   an exception else true
    def valid?(new_value)