# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # frozen_string_literal: true module Rouge module Lexers class Coffeescript < RegexLexer tag 'coffeescript' aliases 'coffee', 'coffee-script' filenames '*.coffee', 'Cakefile' mimetypes 'text/coffeescript' title "CoffeeScript" desc 'The Coffeescript programming language (coffeescript.org)' def self.detect?(text) return true if text.shebang? 'coffee' end def self.keywords @keywords ||= Set.new %w( for in of while break return continue switch when then if else throw try catch finally new delete typeof instanceof super extends this class by ) end def self.constants @constants ||= Set.new %w( true false yes no on off null NaN Infinity undefined ) end def self.builtins @builtins ||= Set.new %w( Array Boolean Date Error Function Math netscape Number Object Packages RegExp String sun decodeURI decodeURIComponent encodeURI encodeURIComponent eval isFinite isNaN parseFloat parseInt document window ) end id = /[$a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*/ state :comments_and_whitespace do rule /\s+/m, Text rule /###\s*\n.*?###/m, Comment::Multiline rule /#.*$/, Comment::Single end state :multiline_regex do # this order is important, so that #{ isn't interpreted # as a comment mixin :has_interpolation mixin :comments_and_whitespace rule %r(///([gim]+\b|\B)), Str::Regex, :pop! rule %r(/), Str::Regex rule %r([^/#]+), Str::Regex end state :slash_starts_regex do mixin :comments_and_whitespace rule %r(///) do token Str::Regex goto :multiline_regex end rule %r( /(\\.|[^\[/\\\n]|\[(\\.|[^\]\\\n])*\])+/ # a regex ([gim]+\b|\B) )x, Str::Regex, :pop! rule(//) { pop! } end state :root do rule(%r(^(?=\s|/|<!--))) { push :slash_starts_regex } mixin :comments_and_whitespace rule %r( [+][+]|--|~|&&|\band\b|\bor\b|\bis\b|\bisnt\b|\bnot\b|[?]|:|=| [|][|]|\\(?=\n)|(<<|>>>?|==?|!=?|[-<>+*`%&|^/])=? )x, Operator, :slash_starts_regex rule /[-=]>/, Name::Function rule /(@)([ \t]*)(#{id})/ do groups Name::Variable::Instance, Text, Name::Attribute push :slash_starts_regex end rule /([.])([ \t]*)(#{id})/ do groups Punctuation, Text, Name::Attribute push :slash_starts_regex end rule /#{id}(?=\s*:)/, Name::Attribute, :slash_starts_regex rule /#{id}/ do |m| if self.class.keywords.include? m[0] token Keyword elsif self.class.constants.include? m[0] token Name::Constant elsif self.class.builtins.include? m[0] token Name::Builtin else token Name::Other end push :slash_starts_regex end rule /[{(\[;,]/, Punctuation, :slash_starts_regex rule /[})\].]/, Punctuation rule /\d+[.]\d+([eE]\d+)?[fd]?/, Num::Float rule /0x[0-9a-fA-F]+/, Num::Hex rule /\d+/, Num::Integer rule /"""/, Str, :tdqs rule /'''/, Str, :tsqs rule /"/, Str, :dqs rule /'/, Str, :sqs end state :strings do # all coffeescript strings are multi-line rule /[^#\\'"]+/m, Str rule /\\./, Str::Escape rule /#/, Str end state :double_strings do rule /'/, Str mixin :has_interpolation mixin :strings end state :single_strings do rule /"/, Str mixin :strings end state :interpolation do rule /}/, Str::Interpol, :pop! mixin :root end state :has_interpolation do rule /[#][{]/, Str::Interpol, :interpolation end state :dqs do rule /"/, Str, :pop! mixin :double_strings end state :tdqs do rule /"""/, Str, :pop! rule /"/, Str mixin :double_strings end state :sqs do rule /'/, Str, :pop! mixin :single_strings end state :tsqs do rule /'''/, Str, :pop! rule /'/, Str mixin :single_strings end end end end