# 2023-07-26 - New: CHANGELOG File - Change: Remove CHANGELOG from README # 2023-07-24 - Fix: Double IDs - Remove: White Border - Change: Footer Social Media Links to Images # 2023-04-26 - Fix: Referrer # 2023-03-03 - New Post: Ein Status update - New: New Page Type - Review - Change Link Design at Contact Page - Change: Spelling # 2022-09-23 - Change: Links at footer / contact / etc get a target and modify rel - Change: Intern Layouts changes # 2022-07-02 - Change: New eMail address # 2022-04-28 - Add: New Social Media Links # 2021-07-07 - Fix: Design issue on none blog pages # 2021-06-21 - Add: Featured Images to Posts - Fix: Some Design issues - Change: Add a '|' to begin and end of footer menu - Change: change h2 into div on post page. - Change: Page Header - Change: New design for codeblocks - Edit: Create edit Text to blog post Update. # 2021-06-16 - Fix: solved issue #1 # 2021-06-15 - Add: New Post: Update! - Add: Changelog to README.md. - Add: Social Media Links at Footer. - Add: data.settings to manage settings. - Fix: Linklog link did not work at blog overview. - Fix: Pagination View - older was displayed on the left when no newer was there. - Change: Header and Footer Navigation links work now with data yml files. - Change: New Sort and some Content modification at Contact Page. - Change: set sitemap false on 404 & 500 page. - Change: new text on 404 & 500 page. - Change: robots.txt now allow searchengines with settings. - Change: some new meta tags - Change: link style - Change: remove Header Navigation