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2019-03-12 13:49:49 +01:00

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require 'concurrent/constants'
require 'concurrent/errors'
require 'concurrent/configuration'
require 'concurrent/ivar'
require 'concurrent/collection/copy_on_notify_observer_set'
require 'concurrent/utility/monotonic_time'
require 'concurrent/options'
module Concurrent
# `ScheduledTask` is a close relative of `Concurrent::Future` but with one
# important difference: A `Future` is set to execute as soon as possible
# whereas a `ScheduledTask` is set to execute after a specified delay. This
# implementation is loosely based on Java's
# [ScheduledExecutorService](
# It is a more feature-rich variant of {Concurrent.timer}.
# The *intended* schedule time of task execution is set on object construction
# with the `delay` argument. The delay is a numeric (floating point or integer)
# representing a number of seconds in the future. Any other value or a numeric
# equal to or less than zero will result in an exception. The *actual* schedule
# time of task execution is set when the `execute` method is called.
# The constructor can also be given zero or more processing options. Currently
# the only supported options are those recognized by the
# [Dereferenceable](Dereferenceable) module.
# The final constructor argument is a block representing the task to be performed.
# If no block is given an `ArgumentError` will be raised.
# **States**
# `ScheduledTask` mixes in the [Obligation](Obligation) module thus giving it
# "future" behavior. This includes the expected lifecycle states. `ScheduledTask`
# has one additional state, however. While the task (block) is being executed the
# state of the object will be `:processing`. This additional state is necessary
# because it has implications for task cancellation.
# **Cancellation**
# A `:pending` task can be cancelled using the `#cancel` method. A task in any
# other state, including `:processing`, cannot be cancelled. The `#cancel`
# method returns a boolean indicating the success of the cancellation attempt.
# A cancelled `ScheduledTask` cannot be restarted. It is immutable.
# **Obligation and Observation**
# The result of a `ScheduledTask` can be obtained either synchronously or
# asynchronously. `ScheduledTask` mixes in both the [Obligation](Obligation)
# module and the
# [Observable](
# module from the Ruby standard library. With one exception `ScheduledTask`
# behaves identically to [Future](Observable) with regard to these modules.
# @!macro copy_options
# @example Basic usage
# require 'concurrent'
# require 'thread' # for Queue
# require 'open-uri' # for open(uri)
# class Ticker
# def get_year_end_closing(symbol, year)
# uri = "{symbol}&a=11&b=01&c=#{year}&d=11&e=31&f=#{year}&g=m"
# data = open(uri) {|f| f.collect{|line| line.strip } }
# data[1].split(',')[4].to_f
# end
# end
# # Future
# price = Concurrent::Future.execute{'TWTR', 2013) }
# price.state #=> :pending
# sleep(1) # do other stuff
# price.value #=> 63.65
# price.state #=> :fulfilled
# # ScheduledTask
# task = Concurrent::ScheduledTask.execute(2){'INTC', 2013) }
# task.state #=> :pending
# sleep(3) # do other stuff
# task.value #=> 25.96
# @example Successful task execution
# task ={ 'What does the fox say?' }
# task.state #=> :unscheduled
# task.execute
# task.state #=> pending
# # wait for it...
# sleep(3)
# task.unscheduled? #=> false
# task.pending? #=> false
# task.fulfilled? #=> true
# task.rejected? #=> false
# task.value #=> 'What does the fox say?'
# @example One line creation and execution
# task ={ 'What does the fox say?' }.execute
# task.state #=> pending
# task = Concurrent::ScheduledTask.execute(2){ 'What do you get when you multiply 6 by 9?' }
# task.state #=> pending
# @example Failed task execution
# task = Concurrent::ScheduledTask.execute(2){ raise'Call me maybe?') }
# task.pending? #=> true
# # wait for it...
# sleep(3)
# task.unscheduled? #=> false
# task.pending? #=> false
# task.fulfilled? #=> false
# task.rejected? #=> true
# task.value #=> nil
# task.reason #=> #<StandardError: Call me maybe?>
# @example Task execution with observation
# observer ={
# def update(time, value, reason)
# puts "The task completed at #{time} with value '#{value}'"
# end
# }.new
# task ={ 'What does the fox say?' }
# task.add_observer(observer)
# task.execute
# task.pending? #=> true
# # wait for it...
# sleep(3)
# #>> The task completed at 2013-11-07 12:26:09 -0500 with value 'What does the fox say?'
# @!macro monotonic_clock_warning
# @see Concurrent.timer
class ScheduledTask < IVar
include Comparable
# The executor on which to execute the task.
# @!visibility private
attr_reader :executor
# Schedule a task for execution at a specified future time.
# @param [Float] delay the number of seconds to wait for before executing the task
# @yield the task to be performed
# @!macro executor_and_deref_options
# @option opts [object, Array] :args zero or more arguments to be passed the task
# block on execution
# @raise [ArgumentError] When no block is given
# @raise [ArgumentError] When given a time that is in the past
def initialize(delay, opts = {}, &task)
raise'no block given') unless block_given?
raise'seconds must be greater than zero') if delay.to_f < 0.0
super(NULL, opts, &nil)
synchronize do
@parent = opts.fetch(:timer_set, Concurrent.global_timer_set)
@args = get_arguments_from(opts)
@delay = delay.to_f
@task = task
@time = nil
@executor = Options.executor_from_options(opts) || Concurrent.global_io_executor
self.observers =
# The `delay` value given at instanciation.
# @return [Float] the initial delay.
def initial_delay
synchronize { @delay }
# The monotonic time at which the the task is scheduled to be executed.
# @return [Float] the schedule time or nil if `unscheduled`
def schedule_time
synchronize { @time }
# Comparator which orders by schedule time.
# @!visibility private
def <=>(other)
schedule_time <=> other.schedule_time
# Has the task been cancelled?
# @return [Boolean] true if the task is in the given state else false
def cancelled?
synchronize { ns_check_state?(:cancelled) }
# In the task execution in progress?
# @return [Boolean] true if the task is in the given state else false
def processing?
synchronize { ns_check_state?(:processing) }
# Cancel this task and prevent it from executing. A task can only be
# cancelled if it is pending or unscheduled.
# @return [Boolean] true if successfully cancelled else false
def cancel
if compare_and_set_state(:cancelled, :pending, :unscheduled)
complete(false, nil,
# To avoid deadlocks this call must occur outside of #synchronize
# Changing the state above should prevent redundant calls
@parent.send(:remove_task, self)
# Reschedule the task using the original delay and the current time.
# A task can only be reset while it is `:pending`.
# @return [Boolean] true if successfully rescheduled else false
def reset
synchronize{ ns_reschedule(@delay) }
# Reschedule the task using the given delay and the current time.
# A task can only be reset while it is `:pending`.
# @param [Float] delay the number of seconds to wait for before executing the task
# @return [Boolean] true if successfully rescheduled else false
# @raise [ArgumentError] When given a time that is in the past
def reschedule(delay)
delay = delay.to_f
raise'seconds must be greater than zero') if delay < 0.0
synchronize{ ns_reschedule(delay) }
# Execute an `:unscheduled` `ScheduledTask`. Immediately sets the state to `:pending`
# and starts counting down toward execution. Does nothing if the `ScheduledTask` is
# in any state other than `:unscheduled`.
# @return [ScheduledTask] a reference to `self`
def execute
if compare_and_set_state(:pending, :unscheduled)
synchronize{ ns_schedule(@delay) }
# Create a new `ScheduledTask` object with the given block, execute it, and return the
# `:pending` object.
# @param [Float] delay the number of seconds to wait for before executing the task
# @!macro executor_and_deref_options
# @return [ScheduledTask] the newly created `ScheduledTask` in the `:pending` state
# @raise [ArgumentError] if no block is given
def self.execute(delay, opts = {}, &task)
new(delay, opts, &task).execute
# Execute the task.
# @!visibility private
def process_task
safe_execute(@task, @args)
protected :set, :try_set, :fail, :complete
# Schedule the task using the given delay and the current time.
# @param [Float] delay the number of seconds to wait for before executing the task
# @return [Boolean] true if successfully rescheduled else false
# @!visibility private
def ns_schedule(delay)
@delay = delay
@time = Concurrent.monotonic_time + @delay
@parent.send(:post_task, self)
# Reschedule the task using the given delay and the current time.
# A task can only be reset while it is `:pending`.
# @param [Float] delay the number of seconds to wait for before executing the task
# @return [Boolean] true if successfully rescheduled else false
# @!visibility private
def ns_reschedule(delay)
return false unless ns_check_state?(:pending)
@parent.send(:remove_task, self) && ns_schedule(delay)