Nico Jensen b59a203dbb Init
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2019-03-12 13:49:49 +01:00

315 lines
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require 'thread'
module INotify
# Notifier wraps a single instance of inotify.
# It's possible to have more than one instance,
# but usually unnecessary.
# @example
# # Create the notifier
# notifier =
# # Run this callback whenever the file path/to/foo.txt is read
#"path/to/foo.txt", :access) do
# puts "Foo.txt was accessed!"
# end
# # Watch for any file in the directory being deleted
# # or moved out of the directory.
#"path/to/directory", :delete, :moved_from) do |event|
# # The #name field of the event object contains the name of the affected file
# puts "#{} is no longer in the directory!"
# end
# # Nothing happens until you run the notifier!
class Notifier
# A list of directories that should never be recursively watched.
# * Files in `/dev/fd` sometimes register as directories, but are not enumerable.
# A hash from {Watcher} ids to the instances themselves.
# @private
# @return [{Fixnum => Watcher}]
attr_reader :watchers
# The underlying file descriptor for this notifier.
# This is a valid OS file descriptor, and can be used as such
# (except under JRuby -- see \{#to\_io}).
# @return [Fixnum]
def fd
# Creates a new {Notifier}.
# @return [Notifier]
# @raise [SystemCallError] if inotify failed to initialize for some reason
def initialize
@running =
@pipe = IO.pipe
@watchers = {}
fd = Native.inotify_init
unless fd < 0
@handle =
"Failed to initialize inotify" +
case FFI.errno
when Errno::EMFILE::Errno; ": the user limit on the total number of inotify instances has been reached."
when Errno::ENFILE::Errno; ": the system limit on the total number of file descriptors has been reached."
when Errno::ENOMEM::Errno; ": insufficient kernel memory is available."
else; ""
# Returns a Ruby IO object wrapping the underlying file descriptor.
# Since this file descriptor is fully functional (except under JRuby),
# this IO object can be used in any way a Ruby-created IO object can.
# This includes passing it to functions like `#select`.
# Note that this always returns the same IO object.
# Creating lots of IO objects for the same file descriptor
# can cause some odd problems.
# **This is not supported under JRuby**.
# JRuby currently doesn't use native file descriptors for the IO object,
# so we can't use this file descriptor as a stand-in.
# @return [IO] An IO object wrapping the file descriptor
# @raise [NotImplementedError] if this is being called in JRuby
def to_io
# Watches a file or directory for changes,
# calling the callback when there are.
# This is only activated once \{#process} or \{#run} is called.
# **Note that by default, this does not recursively watch subdirectories
# of the watched directory**.
# To do so, use the `:recursive` flag.
# ## Flags
# `:access`
# : A file is accessed (that is, read).
# `:attrib`
# : A file's metadata is changed (e.g. permissions, timestamps, etc).
# `:close_write`
# : A file that was opened for writing is closed.
# `:close_nowrite`
# : A file that was not opened for writing is closed.
# `:modify`
# : A file is modified.
# `:open`
# : A file is opened.
# ### Directory-Specific Flags
# These flags only apply when a directory is being watched.
# `:moved_from`
# : A file is moved out of the watched directory.
# `:moved_to`
# : A file is moved into the watched directory.
# `:create`
# : A file is created in the watched directory.
# `:delete`
# : A file is deleted in the watched directory.
# `:delete_self`
# : The watched file or directory itself is deleted.
# `:move_self`
# : The watched file or directory itself is moved.
# ### Helper Flags
# These flags are just combinations of the flags above.
# `:close`
# : Either `:close_write` or `:close_nowrite` is activated.
# `:move`
# : Either `:moved_from` or `:moved_to` is activated.
# `:all_events`
# : Any event above is activated.
# ### Options Flags
# These flags don't actually specify events.
# Instead, they specify options for the watcher.
# `:onlydir`
# : Only watch the path if it's a directory.
# `:dont_follow`
# : Don't follow symlinks.
# `:mask_add`
# : Add these flags to the pre-existing flags for this path.
# `:oneshot`
# : Only send the event once, then shut down the watcher.
# `:recursive`
# : Recursively watch any subdirectories that are created.
# Note that this is a feature of rb-inotify,
# rather than of inotify itself, which can only watch one level of a directory.
# This means that the {Event#name} field
# will contain only the basename of the modified file.
# When using `:recursive`, {Event#absolute_name} should always be used.
# @param path [String] The path to the file or directory
# @param flags [Array<Symbol>] Which events to watch for
# @yield [event] A block that will be called
# whenever one of the specified events occur
# @yieldparam event [Event] The Event object containing information
# about the event that occured
# @return [Watcher] A Watcher set up to watch this path for these events
# @raise [SystemCallError] if the file or directory can't be watched,
# e.g. if the file isn't found, read access is denied,
# or the flags don't contain any events
def watch(path, *flags, &callback)
return, path, *flags, &callback) unless flags.include?(:recursive)
dir =
dir.each do |base|
d = File.join(path, base)
binary_d = d.respond_to?(:force_encoding) ? d.dup.force_encoding('BINARY') : d
next if binary_d =~ /\/\.\.?$/ # Current or parent directory
next if RECURSIVE_BLACKLIST.include?(d)
next if flags.include?(:dont_follow) && File.symlink?(d)
next if !
watch(d, *flags, &callback)
rec_flags = [:create, :moved_to]
return watch(path, *((flags - [:recursive]) | rec_flags)) do |event| if flags.include?(:all_events) || !(flags & event.flags).empty?
next if (rec_flags & event.flags).empty? || !event.flags.include?(:isdir)
watch(event.absolute_name, *flags, &callback)
rescue Errno::ENOENT
# If the file has been deleted since the glob was run, we don't want to error out.
# Starts the notifier watching for filesystem events.
# Blocks until \{#stop} is called.
# @see #process
def run
@running.synchronize do
@stop = false
process until @stop
# Stop watching for filesystem events.
# That is, if we're in a \{#run} loop,
# exit out as soon as we finish handling the events.
def stop
@stop = true
@pipe.last.write "."
@running.synchronize do
# no-op: we just needed to wait until the lock was available
# Blocks until there are one or more filesystem events
# that this notifier has watchers registered for.
# Once there are events, the appropriate callbacks are called
# and this function returns.
# @see #run
def process
read_events.each do |event|
event.flags.include?(:ignored) && event.notifier.watchers.delete(event.watcher_id)
# Close the notifier.
# @raise [SystemCallError] if closing the underlying file descriptor fails.
def close
# Blocks until there are one or more filesystem events that this notifier
# has watchers registered for. Once there are events, returns their {Event}
# objects.
# This can return an empty list if the watcher was closed elsewhere.
# {#run} or {#process} are ususally preferable to calling this directly.
def read_events
size = Native::Event.size + Native.fpathconf(fd, Native::Flags::PC_NAME_MAX) + 1
tries = 1
data = readpartial(size)
rescue SystemCallError => er
# EINVAL means that there's more data to be read
# than will fit in the buffer size
raise er unless er.errno == Errno::EINVAL::Errno && tries < 5
size *= 2
tries += 1
return [] if data.nil?
events = []
cookies = {}
while event = Event.consume(data, self)
events << event
next if event.cookie == 0
cookies[event.cookie] ||= []
cookies[event.cookie] << event
cookies.each {|c, evs| evs.each {|ev| ev.related.replace(evs - [ev]).freeze}}
# Same as IO#readpartial, or as close as we need.
def readpartial(size)
readable, = select([@handle, @pipe.first])
return nil if readable.include?(@pipe.first)
rescue Errno::EBADF
# If the IO has already been closed, reading from it will cause
# Errno::EBADF.