* Add: Changelog to README.md. * Add: Social Media Links at Footer. * Add: data.settings to manage settings. * Fix: Linklog link did not work at blog overview. * Fix: Pagination View - older was displayed on the left when no newer was there. * Change: Header and Footer Navigation links work now with data yml files. * Change: New Sort and some Content modification at Contact Page. * Change: set sitemap false on 404 & 500 page. * Change: new text on 404 & 500 page. * Change: robots.txt now allow searchengines with settings. * Change: some new meta tags * Change: link style * Change: remove Header Navigation
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32 lines
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{% for post in paginator.posts %}
<article class="post">
<header class="post-header wrapper">
<h2 class="post-title"><a href="{{post.url}}" rel="bookmark">{{post.title}}</a></h2>
<p class="public-date">vom <time class="post-date" datetime="{{post.date | date: "%Y-%m-%d"}}">
{% assign m = post.date | date: "%-m" %}
{{ post.date | date: "%d" }}
{% case m %}
{% when '1' %}Januar
{% when '2' %}Februar
{% when '3' %}März
{% when '4' %}April
{% when '5' %}Mai
{% when '6' %}Juni
{% when '7' %}Juli
{% when '8' %}August
{% when '9' %}September
{% when '10' %}Oktober
{% when '11' %}November
{% when '12' %}Dezember
{% endcase %}
{{ post.date | date: "%Y" }}</time>
{% if post.external-url %}
| <a href="{{post.external-url}}">Org. Post</a>
{% endif %}</p>
<div class="post-content wrapper">
{% endfor %}
{% include pagination.html %} |