Nico Jensen b59a203dbb Init
Init commit
2019-03-12 13:49:49 +01:00

67 lines
2.7 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #
# frozen_string_literal: true
module Rouge
module Lexers
class Pascal < RegexLexer
tag 'pascal'
title "Pascal"
desc 'a procedural programming language commonly used as a teaching language.'
filenames '*.pas'
mimetypes 'text/x-pascal'
id = /@?[_a-z]\w*/i
keywords = %w(
absolute abstract all and and_then array as asm assembler attribute
begin bindable case class const constructor delay destructor div do
downto else end except exit export exports external far file finalization
finally for forward function goto if implementation import in inc index
inherited initialization inline interface interrupt is label library
message mod module near nil not object of on only operator or or_else
otherwise out overload override packed pascal pow private procedure program
property protected public published qualified raise read record register
repeat resident resourcestring restricted safecall segment set shl shr
stdcall stored string then threadvar to try type unit until uses value var
view virtual while with write writeln xor
keywords_type = %w(
ansichar ansistring bool boolean byte bytebool cardinal char comp currency
double dword extended int64 integer iunknown longbool longint longword pansichar
pansistring pbool pboolean pbyte pbytearray pcardinal pchar pcomp pcurrency
pdate pdatetime pdouble pdword pextended phandle pint64 pinteger plongint plongword
pointer ppointer pshortint pshortstring psingle psmallint pstring pvariant pwidechar
pwidestring pword pwordarray pwordbool real real48 shortint shortstring single
smallint string tclass tdate tdatetime textfile thandle tobject ttime variant
widechar widestring word wordbool
state :whitespace do
# Spaces
rule /\s+/m, Text
# // Comments
rule %r((//).*$\n?), Comment::Single
# -- Comments
rule %r((--).*$\n?), Comment::Single
# (* Comments *)
rule %r(\(\*.*?\*\))m, Comment::Multiline
# { Comments }
rule %r(\{.*?\})m, Comment::Multiline
state :root do
mixin :whitespace
rule %r{((0(x|X)[0-9a-fA-F]*)|(([0-9]+\.?[0-9]*)|(\.[0-9]+))((e|E)(\+|-)?[0-9]+)?)(L|l|UL|ul|u|U|F|f|ll|LL|ull|ULL)?}, Num
rule %r{[~!@#\$%\^&\*\(\)\+`\-={}\[\]:;<>\?,\.\/\|\\]}, Punctuation
rule %r{'([^']|'')*'}, Str
rule /(true|false|nil)\b/i, Name::Builtin
rule /\b(#{keywords.join('|')})\b/i, Keyword
rule /\b(#{keywords_type.join('|')})\b/i, Keyword::Type
rule id, Name