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Repo zu meiner Webseite Diese Webseite basiert auf Jekyll.
- Add: Featured Images to Posts
- Fix: Some Design issues
- Change: Add a '|' to begin and end of footer menu
- Change: change h2 into div on post page.
- Change: Page Header
- Change: New design for codeblocks
- Edit: Create edit rext to blog post Update.
- Fix: solved issue #1
- Add: New Post: Update!
- Add: Changelog to README.md.
- Add: Social Media Links at Footer.
- Add: data.settings to manage settings.
- Fix: Linklog link did not work at blog overview.
- Fix: Pagination View - older was displayed on the left when no newer was there.
- Change: Header and Footer Navigation links work now with data yml files.
- Change: New Sort and some Content modification at Contact Page.
- Change: set sitemap false on 404 & 500 page.
- Change: new text on 404 & 500 page.
- Change: robots.txt now allow searchengines with settings.
- Change: some new meta tags
- Change: link style
- Change: remove Header Navigation
bundle install
bundle update
to compile
bundle exec jekyll serve
to Develop
JEKYLL_ENV=production bundle exec jekyll build